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Showing posts from November, 2018

Don’t worry when I fight with you,

Don’t worry when I fight with you, worry when I stop because it means there’s nothing left for us to fight for.

In Our Home…

Why wish upon a star? When You can pray to the one who created it.

Why wish upon a star? When You can pray to the one who created it.

Don’t cry over the past, it’s gone. Don’t stress about the future, it hasn’t arrived. I live in the present and make it beautiful.

Don’t cry over the past, it’s gone. Don’t stress about the future, it hasn’t arrived. I live in the present and make it beautiful.

Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people.

 Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people.

You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.

You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.

A girl’s favorite songs will tell you more about how she feels than her lips ever will.

A girl’s favorite songs will tell you more about how she feels than her lips ever will.

An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. So when life is dragging you back the difficulties, it means that it’s going to launch you into something great. So just focus, and keep aiming.

An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. So when life is dragging you back the difficulties, it means that it’s going to launch you into something great. So just focus, and keep aiming.

Throw me to the wolves and I will return leading the pack.

Throw me to the wolves  and I will return leading the pack.

Be strong & courageous. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged. For the lord your god will be with you wherever you go.

  Be strong & courageous. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged. For the lord your god will be with you wherever you go.

The 3C’s in Life” Choice, Chance, Change. You must make the choice, to take the chance, if you want anything in life to change.

The 3C’s in Life” Choice, Chance, Change. You must make the choice, to take the chance, if you want anything in life to change.

Never apologise for being sensitive or emotional. Let this be a sign that you’ve got a big heart and aren’t afraid to let others see it. Showing your emotions is a sign of strength.

Never apologise for being sensitive or emotional. Let this be a sign that you’ve got a big heart and aren’t afraid to let others see it. Showing your emotions is a sign of strength.

Don’t waste words on people who deserve your silence. Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all.

Don’t waste words on people who deserve your silence. Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all.

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.

If you want something you never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.

“Knowing Is Not Enough; We Must Apply. Wishing Is Not Enough; We Must Do.”

This piece of wisdom is one of my favorite quotes for students. It reminds us to apply what we learn and take action toward success, rather than waiting and hoping.

“If You Are Working On Something That You Really Care About, You Don’t Have To Be Pushed. The Vision Pulls You.”

Steve Jobs truly captured some of the wisdom of life in this statement. Do that which you are passionate about and your work will feel effortless.

“Don’t Let Yesterday Take Up Too Much Of Today.” – Will Rogers

Will Rogers was an American actor, cowboy, columnist and social commentator who believed in keeping forward momentum.

Love Quotes

1.“You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.” 2.“Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.” 3.“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” 4.“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.” 5.“Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is invisible—it cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer you more joy than any material possession could.”


It doesn't matter where you come from, where you were born, the color of your skin or how much money you were born into. It matters where you decide to place yourself. The people you surround yourself with and how you choose to carry yourself. 


An army of Sheep led by a Lion will always defeat an army of Lion led by a Sheep. Because leadership can transform Cowards into violent warriors. The right kind of leadership can transform a timid into bold people who are fearless.                                                                                                     mingles


An army of Sheep led by a Lion will always defeat an army of Lion led by a Sheep. Because leadership can transform Cowards into violent warriors. The right kind of leadership can transform a timid into bold people who are fearless.                                                                                                                               mingles

Trust In God

You may be going through a hard time right now but God knows what He is doing. God knows what is best for you. He can see the end result. One day you will see God’s purpose behind the path He chose for you. Learn to trust God.

A Strong Person

A strong person is not the one who doesn’t cry. A strong person is the one who cries & sheds tears for a moment then gets up and fights again.

To Know

Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind, always. The struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow. Don’t give up.  When you struggle with your partner, you are struggling with yourself. Every fault you see in them touches a denied weakness in yourself.                                                                                           mingles


Sometimes, struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If we were to go through our life without any obstacles, we would be crippled. We would not be as strong as what we could have been. Give every opportunity a chance, leave no room for regrets.                                                                                 mingles

Thus, life is and should not be just a bed of roses; thorns are also a part of it and should be accepted by us just as we accept the beautiful side of life.

The thorns remind one of how success and happiness can be evasive and thus, not to feel disappointed and disheartened, but remember that the pain of thorns is short-lived and the beauty of life would soon overcome the prick of thorns. Sometimes, you just want to read inspirational quotes that will lift you up and add a spark to your day. As life offers so many wonderful ups and downs, it is great to get a new perspective to turn a frown upside down. Knowing how powerful words can be, here are some profound inspirational quotes for life to enhance your day now. Enjoy!

Believe In Being Strong

“I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.” 

Grow Strong

“Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict.”


“All the adversity I’ve had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me…. You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.”

A Truly Strong Person

 “A truly strong person does not need the approval of others any more than a lion needs the approval of sheep.”


“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”

Believe In Yourself

"Believe In Yourself. You are braver than you think, more talented than you know, and more capable of more than you imagine"

Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear

You Can Do It

"You can do it!" When's the last time someone said that to you? In the daily grind, you might not always receive words of motivation from your managers because they get pushed to the wayside as calls and meetings pile up. So, think of this list as your personal cheerleader. It's ready to help start your day right and make it one you're proud of. Today, you'll succeed in connecting with that hard-to-reach prospect. Today, you'll close that complex deal. Today, you'll go from being a good manager to a great one.